We have multiple Phases through which we’ll be progressing. Soon to be adding an extension that’ll auto update as we progress through our Journey.

Phase 1-Discovery:
in the Discovery Phase we’ll be expanding our following, and reach thru the Solana ecosystem, net working with other individuals, and project’s. Growing our core team, and setting the guidelines and plan for the next phases of the project. Creating the art, and NFT’s will be a major part of this phase!! Our team is constantly expanding upon our knowledge as well to better suite our community!!

Phase 2-Expansion:
In the expansion phase is where our Gen 1 NFT mint will take place, and from there we’ll be working on the projects utility with our two native token’s that’ll play a huge role in the gamified staking/ builder’s ecosystem. $BLOCK, and $GOLD will fuel the project’s in game economy and our community! The builder’s keep the blight’s evil power in balance, they reside in a vast Land known as The Broken Shore.

Phase 3-DAO/ Builder’s Vault:
In phase 3 we’ll be implementing the BUILDER’S DAO, and the BUILDER’S VAULT!! our Vault will stack up other project’s NFT’s stake them and earn those projects tokens, and much more!! Through the staking you’ll be able to reap the rewards of other projects by only

Phase 4-The Long Term Plan: