The Block Builder’s are an ancient Race of Dwarves from a distant land known as the Broken Shore. The broken Shores we’re once peaceful lands till the Blight showed up with it’s evil power corrupting the other race’s till the god’s stepped in and tasked the Builder’s to keep the blight’s evil power in check, Fueled by the Way-Wind’s Magical Power passed onto them from the god’s. They reside deep under towering Mountains. They might not be that large in size, but They make up for it with their mighty warriors, their skilled Craftsmanship from the builder clans, and The miner’s that collect valuable resources, to fuel the growth, and provide resources for the builder clans to craft away. Every clan plays a key role in keeping the villages running smoothly.
The Miner’s dig deep towards the planets core to obtain very valuable gemstones, and precious metals. Sending the resource’s back to the surface to be forged into metal bars for The builder’s to work their magic, and craft everything from Weapons, and Armor for the Explorers, and the Warriors, to hammer’s and pickaxes for the miner’s and builder’s. The Dwarven Golems crafted by the builder’s and infused with runic power from the rune smith’s protect the village’s and their treasures. The blight rarely attacks the builder’s villages due to the tactical power from the golems.
The Builder’s craftmanship is unlike any races in the land’s.
The Rune Smith’s- They are Ancient Clan tasked with the power to Tame, and Control the Way-Winds magical energy harnessing the power through imbued Rune’s. Their ancient Knowledge can only be passed down Through word of mouth, making the rune smith’s very important figure’s respected highly throughout the lands.
The Warrior’s Clan’s are battled hardened, and ready to fight to the death for their clans and villages. They are strong with a resilience that could match the god’s. Never backing down from a fight, there’s a reason why the dwarven warriors are respected by the other races. Protected by the mighty armor crafted by the builder’s, and their war tactics can match any fight there is, but with the Blight’s unrelenting power, that grows stronger with each life they consume the higher ranked blight warriors are hard to combat even for the best warriors. Venturing out into the wilderness on extensive journey’s to fight back the blight, collect various resources and keep the other races and villages safe.
The Various Clans that make up a village are key to a Dwarven society, they make up each individuals identity, and role among the village bringing pride to their member’s. Very highly respected for what the do Builder without a clan is nothing.